
Much of the Lithium Here on Earth Came from Exploding White Dwarf Stars

The Big Bang produced the Universe's hydrogen, helium, and a little lithium. Since then, it's been up to stars (for…

5 years ago

A New Telescope is Ready to Start Searching for Answers to Explain Dark Energy

Back in 2015, construction began on a new telescope called the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). Later this year, it…

5 years ago

China will begin constructing its space station in 2021

The Chinese space agency is building a brand new space station, and they're going about it in a suitably impressive…

5 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes Grew by Consuming Gas and Entire Stars

Where do they come from, those beguiling singularities that flummox astrophysicists—and the rest of us. Sure, we understand the processes…

5 years ago

Interstellar Oumuamua Was a Dark Hydrogen Iceberg

When Canadian astronomer Robert Weryk discovered `Oumuamua passing through our Solar System with the Pan-STARRS telescope, in October 2017, it…

5 years ago

A New Test Confirms Dark Energy and the Expansion of the Universe

Our measurements of dark energy give contradictory results. A new study confirms dark energy, but suggests it is more strange…

5 years ago

Astronomers Find the Source of the Huge Bubbles of Gas Flowing Out of the Milky Way, Still No Idea What Caused Them

There's an unusual paradox hampering research into parts of the Milky Way. Dense gas blocks observations of the galactic core,…

5 years ago

Spying a Rare ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Venus at Inferior Conjunction

Amazing things happen in the day-to-day sky, often unseen and unwitnessed in our normal routine. Just such a ‘non-event’ happened…

5 years ago

Evidence that Mars Used to Have a Ring

Mars only has two moons: Phobos and Deimos. They're strange, for moons, little more than lumpy, potato-shaped chunks of rock.…

5 years ago

The dinosaur killing asteroid hit the Earth at the most devastating possible angle

There are bad days, and then there are really bad days. 65 million years ago, life on Earth - especially…

5 years ago