
GW170817 Update: Surprises From First Gravitational Wave Observed Independently

“This is quite literally a physics gold mine!” said Masao Sako, with the University of Pennsylvania. For over a week…

7 years ago

Project Blue: Building a Space Telescope that Could Directly Observe Planets Around Alpha Centauri

An international consortium of scientists known as Project Blue hopes to crowdfund the creation of a space telescope that will…

7 years ago

Neptune-Sized Exomoon Found Orbiting a Jupiter-Sized Planet?

A new study by an astrophysicists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research shows that the first exomoon…

7 years ago

Water Worlds Don’t Stay Wet for Very Long

A new study led by Princeton University shows that water worlds are likely to be stripped of their atmospheres (and…

7 years ago

You Can Now Use Google Maps to Explore the Solar System

Thanks to the over 500,000 pictures taken by the Cassini mission, Google Maps has created a mapping tool that allows…

7 years ago

Good News Everyone! There are Fewer Deadly Undiscovered Asteroids than we Thought

According to a new analysis, the number of undiscovered and potentially-hazardous asteroids could be lower than previously thought.

7 years ago

Looking for Signs of Life on Distant Planets Just Got Easier

A recent study from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has produced a new 3-D model for determining exoplanet…

7 years ago

Nope, our Temporary Moon Isn’t Space Junk, it’s an Asteroid

A team of astronomers from the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory has confirmed that Earth's "temporary Moon" is…

7 years ago

More Evidence Presented in Defense of Planet 9

A new study by a team from the University of Michigan has shown how Planet 9 could have prevented TNOs…

7 years ago

Metal-Eating Bacteria Could Have Left their “Fingerprints” on Mars, Proving it Once Hosted Life

A new study by a team of European scientists has shown how metal-eating bacteria could have left their mark on…

7 years ago