
This Weekend: The Moon Photobombs ‘Planet-palooza’ at Dawn

Wondering where are the fleeting inner solar system planets are this month? While Jupiter and Saturn sink into the dusk…

7 years ago

Galaxies Swell due to Explosive Action of New Stars

A new study by an international team of scientists has revealed that modern galaxy shapes may be the result of…

7 years ago

Unexpected Solar Flare is Also the Largest in Twelve Years

The largest solar flare in twelve years was recently witnessed by a team of UK scientists, and could teach us…

7 years ago

Gravitational Waves will let us see Inside Stars as Supernovae Happen

A new study by an international team of astrophysicists has demonstrated that gravitational waves could be detected coming from exploding…

7 years ago

Messier 56 – the NGC 6779

Located in the northern constellation of Lyra, roughly 32,900 light years from Earth, is the globular star cluster known as…

7 years ago

Exoplanet-Hunting Aliens Could Be Looking at Earth Right Now!

A new study by a team of European astrophysicists has turned exoplanet-hunting on its head by asking "could aliens detect…

7 years ago

X-ray Study Shows Older Stars May be More Supportive to Life

A new study by an international team of researchers indicates that older Sun-like stars emit less harmful X-rays, a finding…

7 years ago

New Study Claims that TRAPPIST-1 Could Also Have Gas Giants

A new study led by researchers from the Carnegie Institute of Science indicates that TRAPPIST-1 could also be orbited by…

7 years ago

Detection of Mineral on Mars Bolsters Argument that Mars was Once Habitable

The discovery of boron on Mars, a key ingredient in the emergence of organic molecules, has bolstered the case for…

7 years ago

Chinese Astronomers Spot Two New Hypervelocity Stars

A team of Chinese astronomers has just discovered two new hypervelocity stars, a rare type of star that is still…

7 years ago