
Breakthrough Detects Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Coming from Distant Galaxy

Using the Green Bank Telescope, researchers with Breakthrough Listen recently detected repeating fast radio bursts coming from a distant galaxy.

7 years ago

Exoplanet-Hunters Detect Two New “Warm Jupiters”

A new study conducted by an international team of astronomers has revealed two new "Warm Jupiter" exoplanets in two distant…

7 years ago

Watch Asteroid 3122 Florence Zip Past Earth This Weekend

Ready to hunt for low-flying space rocks? We've got an interesting pass of a Near Earth Asteroid this upcoming U.S.…

7 years ago

Messier 55 – the NGC 6809 Globular Star Cluster

Located in the Sagittarius Constellation, roughly 17,600 light-years from Earth, is the globular star cluster known as Messier 55

7 years ago

Is the “Alien Megastructure” around Tabby’s Star Actually a Ringed Gas Giant?

A new study from the University of Antioquia suggests that the mysterious behavior of Tabby's Star could be due to…

7 years ago

New Study of Antares Creates the Best Map Ever of a Distant Star

A new research study by a group of astronomers, based on observation using the VLTI, has created the most detailed…

7 years ago

Witnessing the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Across America Mesmerizes Millions: Photo/Video Gallery

SANTEE, SOUTH CAROLINA - Witnessing ‘Totality’ during Monday’s ‘Great American Solar Eclipse’ was a truly mesmerizing experience far beyond anything…

7 years ago

Mars Express Captures Mars’ Moving Bow Shock

A team of European scientists analyzed five years worth of Mars Express data, which revealed interesting things about how its…

7 years ago

Hallelujah, It’s Raining Diamonds! Just like the Insides of Uranus and Neptune.

A new experiment conducted by an international team of scientists has recreated the "diamond rains" thought to exist inside Uranus…

7 years ago

Study of Moon Rocks Suggest Interior of the Moon is Really Dry

A new study of the "Rusty Rocks" returned by the Apollo 16 mission suggest that the Moon's interior is very…

7 years ago