
What Is the Name Of Our Galaxy?

Since ancient times, humans have looked up at the bright band in the night sky and called it the Milky…

7 years ago

The Crater Constellation

Located in the southern hemisphere is the Crater constellation (aka. "the cup), one of the 88 modern constellations recognized by…

7 years ago

Hubble Sees Tiny Phobos Orbiting Mars

In May of 2016, when Mars was making its closest pass to Earth in over a decade, Hubble captured images…

7 years ago

New Comet: C/2017 O1 ASAS-SN Takes Earth by Surprise

A new comet discovery crept up on us this past weekend, one that should be visible for northern hemisphere observers…

7 years ago

Ancient Volcanoes on Mars Could Have Been the Place for Life

A new study by an international team of scientists has found evidence of recent volcanic activity on Mars, which could…

7 years ago

Good News for Future Moon Bases. There’s Water Inside the Moon

A new study by a team from Brown University has revealed evidence of widespread water on the lunar surface, which…

7 years ago

Messier 51 – the Whirlpool Galaxy

Located between 19 and 27 million light-years away in the Canes Venatici constellation, is the famous Whirlpool Galaxy (aka. Messier…

7 years ago

Earth-Sized Planet Takes Just Four Hours to Orbit its Star

The Kepler space observatory has made some interesting finds since it began its mission back in March of 2009. Even…

7 years ago

Advanced Civilizations Could Build a Galactic Internet with Planetary Transits

In a recently published paper, Dr. Duncan Forgan proposed that alien civilizations could create a "galactic internet" by using artificial…

7 years ago

Hey Map Collectors, Here’s a New Map of Pluto!

Using data from the New Horizons spacecraft, the mission team has created some new maps of Pluto and its largest…

7 years ago