
One. More. Month: Our Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse

Get ready for the August 21st total solar eclipse, with facts, maps and more!

7 years ago

Ancient Impacts Shaped the Structure of the Milky Way

According to a new study using data from the SDSS, ripples in the Milky Way's disk may be indications of…

7 years ago

Strange Radio Signals Detected from a Nearby Star

A recent survey conducted by the Arecibo Observatory detected a strange radio signal coming from Ross 128, a star system…

7 years ago

This is the One of the Largest Structures We Know of in the Universe

Using data from the Sloan Digitial Sky Survey, an Indian team of astronomers has discovered one of the largest cosmic…

7 years ago

Long After Humanity is Gone and the Sun Dies, the Water Bears Will be There

A new study from the University of Oxford has shown that long after humanity is gone, the tardigrade (aka. the…

7 years ago

Evidence Mounts for the Existence of Planet Nine

The latest study that looks into the possible existence of Planet 9 offers a new technique, one which is free…

7 years ago

Even Though Red Dwarfs Have Long Lasting Habitable Zones, They’d be Brutal to Life

Two new studies from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) have thrown some cold water on the notion that planets…

7 years ago

NASA to Use Converted Bombers to Chase Totality

In a classic swords to plowshares move, two converted WB-57 aircraft flown by NASA's Airborne Science Program and scientists from…

7 years ago

Turns Out, Mars Sucks Even Worse Than We Knew

One of the most significant finds to come from our ongoing exploration and research efforts of Mars is the fact…

7 years ago

Here They are! New Juno Pictures of the Great Red Spot

Juno made history the other day when it conducted the closest pass in history to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, and…

7 years ago