
Messier 49 – the NGC 4472 Elliptical Galaxy

Located in the constellation Virgo, and at a distance of 55.9 million light years from Earth, is Messier 49 -…

7 years ago

What is the Smallest Planet in the Solar System?

Of all the planets in the Solar System. Mercury is now the regarded as the smallest, with a mean radius…

7 years ago

Amazing New Views of Betelgeuse Courtesy of ALMA

An angry monster lurks in the shoulder of the Hunter. We're talking about the Red Giant star Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis…

7 years ago

What Caused the Kuiper Belt to Get Warped?

A new study by a team of astronomers from the LPL indicates that the orbital inclinations of distant Kuiper Belt…

7 years ago

Messier 48 – the NGC 2548 Open Star Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! We continue our tribute to our dear friend, Tammy Plotner, by looking at the open…

7 years ago

Snake Rovers Might be the Best Way to Explore the Surface and Tunnels on Mars

A team from SINTEF, and with the support of the ESA is looking to develop snake robots to assist astronauts…

7 years ago

Hubble Finds a Dead Galaxy that was Finished Making Stars Just a Few Billion Years After the Big Bang

Relying on Hubble and gravitational lensing, a team of astronomers made the unexpected discovery of a galaxy that ceased star…

7 years ago

LISA is On! Gravitational Wave Detection is Going to Space

The ESA recently decided to move forward with its LISA mission, a trio of satellites that will be the first…

7 years ago

An Astronomical Detective Tale and the Moon of 2007 OR10

It isn't every day we get a new moon added to the list of solar system satellites. The combined observational…

7 years ago

NASA Announces 10, That’s Right 10! New Planets in Their Star’s Habitable Zone

The latest catalog to be released by the Kepler mission features and additional 10 potentially-habitable planets, and has led to…

7 years ago