
Third Gravitational Wave Event Detected

LIGO has detected a third instance of gravitational waves. Like the previous two, this one was caused by merging black…

7 years ago

What Exactly Should We See When a Star Splashes into a Black Hole Event Horizon?

A team of researchers questions the existence of an event horizon around black holes and wonders what it would look…

7 years ago

Researchers Think They Know Why Venus Doesn’t Have as Many Volcanoes as Earth

A new study by researchers from St. Andrews University and the University of Strasbourg has shed light on why Venus…

7 years ago

Carnival of Space #511

It's that time again! This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by Pamela Hoffman at the Everyday Spacer blog. Click…

7 years ago

Construction Begins on the Next Super Telescope

Great progress is being made on the European Extremely Large Telescope. Construction of the dome and the main telescope was…

7 years ago

Super-Earth Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Star

A study produced by an international team of researchers, using the HARPS-N survey, has detected a potentially habitable super-Earth just…

7 years ago

Lunar Orbiter Takes a Meteorite Strike Right in the Camera

On October 13th, 2014, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) experienced something rare and unexpected. While monitoring the surface of the…

7 years ago

Messier 44 – The Beehive Cluster (Praesepe)

Located 577 light years away in the Cancer constellation is the open star cluster known as the Beehive Cluster (aka.…

7 years ago

How Far Away is Fusion? Unlocking the Power of the Sun

The Sun uses its enormous mass to crush hydrogen into fusion, releasing enormous energy. How long will it be until…

7 years ago

Star Should Have Gone Supernova, But it Imploded Into a Black Hole Instead

While viewing a massive star in the Fireworks Galaxy that was expected to go supernova, a team of astrophysicists instead…

7 years ago