
Messier 41 – the NGC 2287 Open Star Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

7 years ago

Does Jupiter Have a Solid Core?

For the past few decades, scientists have been of the opinion that beneath its swirling clouds of gas, Jupiter may…

7 years ago

Only 10 Light-Years Away, there’s a Baby Version of the Solar System

Located 10.5 light years away, and filled with asteroid belts and a debris disk, the Epsilon Eridani system is basically…

7 years ago

Faster Supercomputer! NASA Announces the High Performance Fast Computing Challenge

To ensure that their Pleiades supercomputer can keep up with future missions, NASA and TopCoder are hosting the High Performance…

7 years ago

A Single Wave, Bigger Than the Milky Way, is Rolling Through the Perseus Galaxy Cluster

A team of researchers using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory have spotted a wave of hot gas larger than the Milky…

7 years ago

The Cetus Constellation

Located along the ecliptic plane is the Cetus constellation, the fourth largest constellation in the sky and one of the…

7 years ago

Titan Ripe For Drone Invasion

Elizabeth Turtle , a researcher at NASA's JHUAPL, reveals the latest details of "the Dragonfly" - a proposal for an…

7 years ago

Enjoy The Biggest Infrared Image Ever Taken Of The Small Magellanic Cloud Without All That Pesky Dust In The Way

A new image of the Small Magellanic Cloud reveals its population of stars in stunningly rich detail.

7 years ago

Building Rovers That Can Detect Life and Sequence DNA on Other Worlds

A team from MIT (with support from NASA) is building an instrument that will be able to test for signs…

7 years ago

Comet Halley Plays Bit Part In Weekend Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower

Enjoy the wonder of seeing bits of Halley's Comet rain down as the Eta Aquariid meteors Saturday morning.

7 years ago