
Adieu Titan: So Long & Thanks For All The Hydrocarbons

On Friday, April 21st, the Cassini spacecraft conducted its last flyby of Titan, a maneuver which touched off the final…

7 years ago

Another Strange Discovery From LHC That Nobody Understands

"Enhanced strangeness production" surprises experimenters at LHC's ALICE experiment.

7 years ago

Messier 40 – the Winnecke 4 Double Star

Located in the direction of the Ursa Major constellation is Messier 40 (Winnecke 4), an optical double star that looks…

7 years ago

What is the Average Surface Temperature of Mercury?

Because of its extremely eccentric orbit, slow rotation, and lack of an atmosphere, Mercury experiences extreme variations in surface temperature.

7 years ago

Into The Submillimeter: The Early Universe’s Formation

A new study of distant, early galaxies helps us understand the early days of our Universe.

7 years ago

Join Fraser and Friends for a COSMOS Marathon on Monday

Join Fraser and a panel of space friends for a marathon of COSMOS on Monday at 12:00pm PST. We'll watch…

7 years ago

First Detailed Image Of Accretion Disk Around A Young Star

For the first time ever, an international team of astronomers - using the ALMA array - have taken a clear…

7 years ago

Are Drylanders The Minority On Habitable Worlds?

We assume that habitable exoplanets will have significant land masses, because that's what we have on Earth. Are we wrong?

7 years ago

Earth Beams From Between Saturn’s Rings in New Cassini Image

Cassini took this rare photo of the Earth and moon on April 12 just before the start of its daring…

7 years ago

Is This The Exoplanet Where Life Will First Be Found?

An international team of scientists has found another rocky planet (LHS 1140b) orbiting a nearby red dwarf star. And it…

7 years ago