
A Proposal For Juno To Observe The Volcanoes Of Io

Two Boston University researchers propose a plan for NASA's Juno probe to remotely study Io's volcanic eruptions.

8 years ago

Harvard Physicist Creates Metallic Hydrogen Using Diamond Vise

According to a study by two Harvard researchers, they have succeeded in creating metallic hydrogen for the first time in…

8 years ago

Four Planet System Directly Imaged In Motion

Jason Wang, a graduate student from UC Berkeley, has created a video that captures the peculiar orbits of gas giants…

8 years ago

Space Jellyfish Show Types Of Pulsar Wind Nebulas

A series of studies based on data obtained from Chandra X-ray observatory may held shed light on the mysteries of…

8 years ago

Carl Sagan’s Theory Of Early Mars Warming Gets New Attention

Carl Sagan hit on the idea 40 years ago. Now, a team of scientists have discovered that a trifecta of…

8 years ago

A Farewell to Plutoshine

Sometimes, its not the eye candy aspect of the image, but what it represents. A recent image of Pluto's large…

8 years ago

Rogue NASA, EPA, NPS Twitter Accounts Launched to Protest Trump Directives

Rogue sites protesting the Trump team's new guidelines for federal agencies are popping up everywhere.

8 years ago

NASA Webb Telescope Resumes Rigorous Vibration Qualification Tests

Engineers have resumed a series of critical and rigorous vibration qualification tests on NASA’s mammoth James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)…

8 years ago

Galactic Stripping Mystery Uncovered

It's what you might call a case of galactic homicide (or "galacticide"). All over the known Universe, satellite galaxies are…

8 years ago

Japan Becomes A Military Space Player With Latest Launch

In a potentially controversial move, Japan recently deployed an x-band communications satellite to reduce its reliance on other providers for…

8 years ago