
Here’s the Highest Resolution Map of Pluto We’ll Get from New Horizons

Members of the New Horizons team recently conducted a live panel discussion where they talked about the spacecraft's greatest accomplishments,…

8 years ago

How to See the Space Station Fly in Front of the Moon

Want to see the the space station zip across the Moon or Sun? Here are step-by-step instructions how.

8 years ago

The Carina Constellation

Located in the southern sky is the constellation Carina, which has several impressive stars and associated Deep Sky Objects.

8 years ago

Adventures With “Copyscope”

Every telescope has a story to tell. We returned back to the U S of A recently, and one of…

8 years ago

Messier 32 – the “Le Gentil” Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

Located in the direction of the Andromeda Constellation is the dwarf elliptical galaxy known as "Le Gentil" (or Messier 32),…

8 years ago

Mars Curiosity Rolls Up to Potential New Meteorite

NASA's Curiosity Rover is turning into an able meteorite hunter with a shiny new find just this past week.

8 years ago

The Constellation Capricornus

Located in the ecliptic plane of the galaxy, where it is bordered by other "watery" asterisms, is the ancient constellation…

8 years ago

The Moon is Older than We Thought, says New Study

According to a new study from UCLA which conducted uranium-lead dating on Moon rocks, the Moon is older than previously…

8 years ago

Stars at the Edge of our Galaxy May Have Been Stolen

A new study produced by astronomers from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics shows how some of the most distant stars in…

8 years ago

A “Breakthrough” to Search for Planets in Closest Star System to Earth

The European Southern Observatory and Breakthrough Initiatives have come together for purpose of finding habitable planets beyond Earth.

8 years ago