
ESO Survey Shows Dark Matter to be Pretty “Smooth”

A new study produced by an international team of researchers shows that Dark Matter may be more smoothly distributed than…

8 years ago

Why Does Siberia Get All the Cool Meteors? Children ice skating in Khakassia, Russia react to the fall of a bright fireball two nights ago on Dec.6…

8 years ago

Fabulous Florida Nighttime Blastoff Delivers Highest-Capacity US Air Force Satcom to Orbit

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL - The highest-capacity US Air Force communications system thundered to orbit during a fabulous…

8 years ago

Trump Meeting Puts NASA Funding in Question

Trump's recent meeting with Al Gore in New York has fueled speculation about the future of NASAs Earth science missions,…

8 years ago

How Strong is the Force of Gravity on Earth?

Earth's familiar gravity - which is 9.8 m/s², or 1 g - is both essential to life as we it,…

8 years ago

Cassini’s First Ring-Grazing Orbit A Success

The Cassini mission has begun its final phase and has completed its first ring-grazing orbit around Saturn.

8 years ago

Quasar Light Confirms Consistency Of Electromagnetism Over 8 Billion Years

The ESO has released spectral data obtained by the Very Large Telescope, which studied a distant qausar to determine how…

8 years ago

Our Guide to the 2016 Geminid Meteors: Watching a Good Shower on a Bad Year

One of the best yearly meteor showers contends with the nearly Full Moon this year, but don't despair; you may…

8 years ago

What is the Weather like on Venus?

The weather on Venus is incredibly hostile, characterized by extreme temperatures, acid rain, lightning storms and powerful winds.

8 years ago

How Far is the Asteroid Belt from the Sun?

The Asteroid Belt, which rests between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, orbits our Sun at a distance of 3.2…

8 years ago