
Carl Sagan’s Crazy Idea: Life Inside A Comet?

Space Habitat designs are enormous, high-tech structures. Carl Sagan had a different idea: comets as space habitats.

8 years ago

Detector With Real-time Alert Capability Waits Patiently For Supernova Neutrinos

Researchers at the Super-Kamiokande Observatory hope to be able to learn more about the elusive neutrino particle, thanks to a…

8 years ago

Princeton Team Directly Observes Planets Around Nearby Stars

A new instrument that took five years to build allows astronomers to capture and analyze the light reflecting off distant…

8 years ago

Was Physics Really Violated By EM Drive In “Leaked” NASA Paper?

The controversial EM Drive has received a potential shot in the arm, thanks to a "leaked" report which claims it…

8 years ago

Discovery Of A Nearby Super Earth With Only 5 Times Our Mass

An international team of researchers have found another planet orbiting a red dwarf; in this case, a small super-Earth less…

8 years ago

Preview: Comet 45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková Brightens in December

Looking for a good binocular comet? Well, if luck is on our side, we should be getting our first looks…

8 years ago

Where Will President-Elect Trump Take American Space Endeavours?

With the election over, there are concerns over at NASA at how a Trump presidency might affect their research and…

8 years ago

November’s Supermoon 2016 – Closest of a Lifetime?

By now, you've heard the news. We'll spare you the "it's a bird, it's a plane..." routine to usher in…

8 years ago

What are Active Galactic Nuclei?

The center of large galaxies are active places, where supermassive black holes pump out an incredible amount of light and…

8 years ago

What are Magellanic Clouds?

Beyond the Milky Way Galaxy lies the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, two bundles of stars and dust that orbit…

8 years ago