
Boo! A Black Moon Halloween Weekend

This Halloween weekend's top astronomical event features something that you won't see in the sky: a Black Moon.

8 years ago

How Many Planets are There in the Galaxy?

Humans have wondered how many planets could exist within our Galaxy, and some of our best estimates say there could…

8 years ago

Seasonal Change On Titan Is Dynamic Business

At a joint meeting in Pasadena, California last week, European and American scientists were treated to some of the latest…

8 years ago

Schiaparelli is Gone. Smashed on the surface of Mars

It appears that Europe's Schiaparelli Mars lander crashed-landed on the planet's surface and may have exploded.

8 years ago

Astronomers Think They Know Where Rosetta’s Comet Came From

A new study reveals that Rosetta's Comet likely spent billions of years chilling in the Kuiper Belt before chance interactions…

8 years ago

Mars’ Moon Deimos

The smaller of Mars' two moons - Deimos - is a strange mysterious satellite. And while its origins are still…

8 years ago

No, There Won’t Be 15 Days of Darkness in November. It’s Another Stupid Hoax.

Don't bother stocking up on candles. There won't be 15 days of darkness in November.

8 years ago

Forget Mars, Now You Can Kickstart an Antimatter Propulsion System to Another Star!

Dr, Gerald Jackson and Hbar Technologies LLC are looking to crowdsource the creation of the world's first antimatter engine!

8 years ago

Either Stars are Strange, or There Are 234 Aliens Trying to Contact Us

Astronomers have found 234 stars that are acting suspiciously like signals sent by extra-terrestrials.

8 years ago

Europe’s Orbiter is Safely at Mars, but No Word from the Lander

After a long journey, the ExoMars 2016 orbiter is safe and doing well, but the state of the lander is…

8 years ago