
What I Learned Writing ‘Night Sky with the Naked Eye’

My book Night Sky with the Naked Eye publishes today. It would have never seen the light of day much less…

8 years ago

Messier 26 – The NGC 6694 Open Star Cluster

Located in the direction of the Scutum Constellation, about 5,000 light years from Earth, is the open star cluster known…

8 years ago

A Pulsar and White Dwarf Dance Together In A Surprising Orbit

The discovery of a millisecond pulsar orbiting a low-mass white dwarf star has astronomers puzzled, mainly because its orbit defies…

8 years ago

The Orbit of the Moon

The Orbit of the Moon is strange, which gives rise to changes in its appearance. It is also slowly changing,…

8 years ago

The Cancer Constellation

Located in the Zodiac, the asterism known as Cancer is a medium-sized and relatively faint constellation, and one of 88…

8 years ago

Monster Meteorite Found in Texas

Meet the largest single chondrite in Texas.

8 years ago

Beautiful Planetary Rings Are Dead Dwarf Planets! Dead Dwarf Planets!!!

A new study from a team of Japanese researchers shows that the rings of the gas giants might be the…

8 years ago

NASA’s New Asteroid Alert System Gives 5 Whole Days of Warning

NASA's Scout Program for the early detection of asteroids passed it's first test, giving us 5 days notice of 2016…

8 years ago

Watch Asteroid 2016 VA Pass Through Earth’s Shadow

Holy low-flying space rocks, Batman. Newly discovered asteroid 2016 VA snuck up on us last night, and crossed through the…

8 years ago

How Many Galaxies Are There in the Universe?

Did you hear that the Universe has 10x the number of galaxies? How did astronomers discover this, and what does…

8 years ago