
Messier 24 – the Sagittarius Star Cloud

Located in the direction of Sagittarius, approximately 10,000 light years from Earth, is the beautiful Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (aka.…

8 years ago

What Happens When Galaxies Collide?

In about 4 billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will collide. Known as a galactic merger, this process…

8 years ago

How Many Dogs Have Been to Space?

During the early Space Race, both the American and Soviet space programs conducted tests flights using animals. In the Soviet's…

8 years ago

Rosetta Wows With Amazing Closeups of Comet 67P Before Final ‘Crunchdown’

After 10 years pursuing 67P/C-G and more than two years studying it from orbit, Rosetta made the comet's icy nucleus…

8 years ago

What Does Earth Look like from Mars?

Earth has been photographed multiple times from Mars, both from orbit (by orbital missions) and from the surface (rover missions).

8 years ago

The 2016 Nobel Prize In Physics: It’s Complicated

This year's Nobel Prize in physics is expected to be be conferred on the three scientists who invented the process…

8 years ago

Mercury Is Tectonically Active & Shrinking

Images taken by the MESSENGER spacecraft have shown features on Mercury's surface that indicate that the planet is still tectonically…

8 years ago

What is a Total Eclipse?

A total eclipses is an amazing sight, occurring whenever the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth (or the…

8 years ago

Europa’s Venting Global Ocean May Be Easier To Reach Than We Thought

Today, NASA announced that images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope have shown more evidence of water plumes on Europa's…

8 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 421: Space Games!

Visit the Astronomy Cast Page to subscribe to the audio podcast! We usually record Astronomy Cast as a live Google+…

8 years ago