
X-Rays Are Coming From The Dark Side of Venus

A new study takes a look at observational evidence obtained about Venus during its 2012 transit of the Sun, which…

8 years ago

Is Proxima Centauri b Basically Kevin Costner’s Waterworld?

New research suggests that Proxima b could be a lot more watery than we suspect, with roughly half the planet's…

8 years ago

What is Galactic Evolution?

Galaxies have a natural life cycle, which began shortly after the Big Bang and will likely continue for several trillion…

8 years ago

Can you buy Land on the Moon?

Despite the vagaries of international law, no matter what a slick business person tells you, there is no land for…

8 years ago

What Were the First Lunar Landings?

Before the historic Apollo-11 mission sent the first astronauts to the Moon, several robotic missions were mounted to the lunar…

8 years ago

What are Cepheid Variables?

Discovered in the late 18th century, Cepheid Variable stars have become an important tool for measuring the size of the…

8 years ago

Seeing Double: Jupiter Returns at Dawn

Missing Jove? The largest planet in our is currently on the far side of the Sun, and just passed solar…

8 years ago

Schiaparelli & The Problematic History Of Martian Landings

The Schiaparelli lander will attempt it's landing on Mars in 15 days. Will it succeed, or join the long list…

8 years ago

What Happens When Black Holes Collide?

Black holes are the most impressive objects in the Universe, but when happens when they crash into each other is…

8 years ago

When Will We Send Astronauts to Mars?

There's been plenty of talk about crewed missions to Mars happening in the next few decades. So when exactly will…

8 years ago