
Blue Origin Goes Big With New Glenn Rocket

Blue Origin just unveiled its newest rocket, the New Shepard, which will be able to provide launch services and send…

8 years ago

Stunning New Images Of Mars From The Curiosity Rover

Curiosity's latest images show the region known as Murray Butters, which bears a striking resemblance to the deserts of the…

8 years ago

The Big Dipper in the Year 92,000

Using a handy time machine, we zoom into the future to get a sneak peek at the sky to come.

8 years ago

Turns Out There Is No Actual Looking Up

A recent study by a team of researchers from University College London has shown that there really is no such…

8 years ago

Uranus & Neptune May Keep “Hitler’s Acid” Stable Under Massive Pressure

A new study by a team of Russian researchers has shown that in the interiors of ice giants like Uranus…

8 years ago

Curiosity Rover’s Proximity To Possible Water Raises Planetary Protection Concerns

The Curiosity rover may need to divert its course soon, as its current path could cause it to contaminate a…

8 years ago

Best Picture Yet Of Milky Way’s Formation 13.5 Billion Years Ago

A new study of the Milky Way galaxy reveals the ages of different parts of the galaxy, and tells the…

8 years ago

Terzan 5 May Unlock Secret to Milky Way’s Past

A team of astronomers have discovered a globular cluster that stands out as distinct from all others -- a fossil…

8 years ago

SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion Aftermath Brings Legal Battles

In the aftermath of the explosion that took place on Sept 1st, SpaceX may be facing legal hurdles with the…

8 years ago

NASA’s EM Drive Passes Peer Review, But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

In the latest new to emerge about the "impossible" EM Drive, it now appears that the technology has passed the…

8 years ago