
An Impalpable Penumbral Eclipse

Great ready for the final eclipse of 2016, with a penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16th visible from Europe to…

8 years ago

How Could We Create Settlements on Venus?

Colonizing Venus presents many advantages and challenges, and could be done using cities that float on top of its dense…

8 years ago

Newly Found Ancient Fossils Show Possibilities For Finding Martian Life

Fossils discovered in Greenland - which are 3.7 billion years old - are the oldest evidence of life on Earth…

8 years ago

What is the Largest Desert on Earth?

Despite what you might think, the largest desert in the world is actually in Antarctica. In addition to being the…

8 years ago

What is the Speed of Light?

Since the late 17th century, scientists have been attempting to measure the speed of light, with increasingly accurate results

8 years ago

On The Origin Of Phobos’ Groovy Mystery

A new study offers a possible explanation for the strange surface features on Mars' moon of Phobos, which could help…

8 years ago

Sentinel-1A Satellite Takes A Direct Hit From Millimetre Size Particle

After reviewing data from the Sentinel-1A satellites on-board cameras, the ESA has determined that it suffered a collision with a…

8 years ago

6 Million Years Ago The Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole Raged

Astrophysicists looking for the Milky Way's missing matter have found that our black hole was very active only 6 million…

8 years ago

Planet 9 Search Turning Up Wealth Of New Objects

In 2014, Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science and Chadwick Trujillo of Northern Arizona University proposed an interesting…

8 years ago

Dark Matter: Hot Or Not?

Relying on Hubble data, a new study has suggested that (contrary to hot and cold models) dark matter may actually…

8 years ago