
Messier 22 – The Sagittarius Nebula

In the direction Sagittarius constellation, some 14,000 light years from Earth, lies the bright Sagittarius globular star cluster (aka. Messier…

8 years ago

The Hype Machine Deflates After CERN Data Shows No New Particle

At ICEP 2016, researchers from CERN presented the latest results from the LHC, which showed that there is no evidence…

8 years ago

North Korea Aims To Place Its Flag On The Moon

In a recent announcement, North Korea announced that it plans to launch more satellites in the coming years, and even…

8 years ago

The Constellation Camelopardalis

Welcome back to Constellation Friday! Today, in honor of our dear friend and contributor, Tammy Plotner, we examine the Caelum…

8 years ago

New Poll Shows 2-1 Margin Of Support From Hawaiians For Thirty Meter Telescope

A new poll has shown that opposition to the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope - which was originally scheduled…

8 years ago

Focusing On ‘Second-Earth’ Candidates In The Kepler Catalog

An international team of scientists recently released a study that shows which of the Kepler exoplanets candidates are most like…

8 years ago

How Do We Settle on Mercury?

Though it is not considered as such, Mercury is actually a viable candidate for colonization - if you can get…

8 years ago

The Closest Supernova Since 1604 Is Hissing At Us

By examining faint radio emissions from a local supernova remnant, astronomers are learning more about how stars behave before they…

8 years ago

Did We Arrive Early To The Universe’s Life Party?

According to a new study from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, life as we know it could have emerged prematurely…

8 years ago

Messier 21 (M21) – The NGC 6531 Open Star Cluster

In the Sagittarius Constellation, near the ecliptic of the Milky Way Galaxy, lies the faint and compact open star cluster…

8 years ago