
The Juno Mission

On July 4th, the Juno spacecraft - the second long-term mission to Jupiter - will arrive at the gas giant,…

8 years ago

The Dutch Are Going To The Moon With The Chinese

As part of China's Chang'e-4 lunar mission. a new radio antenna being developed in the Netherlands will be deployed to…

8 years ago

What is Time Dilation?

One of the strangest implications of Relativity is the concept of time dilation; how people moving at different speeds will…

8 years ago

New System Discovered with Five Planets

NASA's planet-discovering Kepler mission suffered a major mechanical failure in May 2013, but thanks to innovative techniques subsequently implemented by…

8 years ago

Behold The Distant Universe!

At the annual National Astronomy Meeting, members of the Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) team shared images that are the deepest…

8 years ago

Very Large Telescope Images Of Jupiter Prepare Us For Juno Arrival

In preparation for Juno's arrival at Jupiter, a team from the European Southern Observatory is creating a breathtaking infrared map…

8 years ago

Professor Stephen Hawking Intends To Map The Known Universe

At the upcoming Starmus science conference, Professor Stephen Hawking will unveil the most ambitious plan to map the known universe…

8 years ago

Messier 16 (M16) – The Eagle Nebula

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

8 years ago

Good News, Martian Colonists Can Eat All the Radishes They Want

Based on recent experiments led by a Dutch research team and MarsOne, we now know which crops can be grown…

8 years ago

A Star Is About To Go 2.5% The Speed Of Light Past A Black Hole

Using the Very Large Telescope (VLT), researchers are about to observe the stars orbiting Sagittarius A*, which will test Einstein's…

8 years ago