
The Hubble Constant Just Got Constantier

A team of astronomers using the Hubble telescope have found that the Universe is expanding more rapidly than thought.

8 years ago

New ‘Einstein Ring’ Discovered By Dark Energy Camera

A rare object called an Einstein Ring has been discovered by a team in the Stellar Populations group at the…

8 years ago

Scientists Identify the Source of the Moon’s Water

Using lunar samples from the Apollo missions, scientists have determined that the majority of water inside the Moon was delivered…

8 years ago

How Was the Solar System Formed? – The Nebular Hypothesis

Billions of year ago, the Sun, the planets, and all other objects in the Solar System began as a giant,…

8 years ago

Student Discovers Four New Planets

A student at the University of British Columbia has discovered four new exoplanets in Kepler data.

8 years ago

This Friday: The Moon Meets Mercury in the Dawn Sky

Watch that Moon this weekend, as it crosses the dawn sky, meets up with Mercury, and ushers in Ramadan 2016.

8 years ago

Webb Telescope Gets its Science Instruments Installed

The package of powerful science instruments at the heart of NASA’s mammoth James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have been successfully…

8 years ago

The Orbit of Mars. How Long is a Year on Mars?

Mars and Earth have many similarities, but the length of a year is not one of them! Compared to Earth,…

8 years ago

What is the Coldest Planet of Our Solar System?

Neptune, being the farthest planet from the Sun (sorry Pluto!) is now recognized as also being the coldest body in…

8 years ago

10 Interesting Facts About Earth

We've lived on planet Earth all of our lives, but how much does the average person know about the planet…

8 years ago