
New Horizons Sends Back First Science On Distant Kuiper Belt Object

With Pluto in its rear-view mirror, New Horizons is heading towards its next target, and sending back valuable science on…

8 years ago

Friendly Giants Have Cozy Habitable Zones Too

According to a recent study from the Carl Sagan Institute, aging red giant stars could still have habitable zones that…

8 years ago

Messier 14 (M14) – the NGC 6402 Globular Cluster

In the constellation of Ophiuchus lies the M14 globular cluster, a loose concentration of stars spanning 100 light years, 300,000…

8 years ago

ESA Regrets Not Buying Windshield Insurance

Thanks to astronaut Tim Peake, people here on Earth have been treated for the first time to an image of…

8 years ago

A May Full ‘Blue Moon’ on Tap For This Weekend?

Why this weekend's Full Moon is considered 'blue'... but not in the usual sense.

8 years ago

Japanese 3D Galaxy Map Confirms Einstein Was One Smart Dude

Using the largest 3-D map of the Universe to date, an team of researchers has shown that Einstein's theory of…

8 years ago

Rock Around the Comet Clock with Hubble

The Hubble Space Telescope takes a deep look into the Comet 252P/LINEAR and discovers a spinning jet. We look at…

8 years ago

Is Earth’s Magnetic Field Ready to Flip?

Recent data from the ESO's trio of Swarm satellites point to a weakening of the Earth's magnetic field as well…

8 years ago

Watch Mercury Race Across the Sun, Courtesy of the Big Bear Solar Observatory

The Big Bear Solar Observatory Captures a high-res image of this week's transit of Mercury across the face of the…

8 years ago

Thanks, Comet Pluto. Solar System Nomenclature Needs A Major Rethink

Thanks to new data from the New Horizons mission that shows how Pluto behaves as both a planet and a…

8 years ago