
How Do We Terraform Saturn’s Moons?

Within the Saturn system, there are many moons which could present the opportunity terraforming. But to do so presents many…

8 years ago

Carnival of Space #455

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read Carnival…

8 years ago

Into the Red: Our Complete Guide to Mars Opposition 2016

The time to observe Mars is now, as the Red Planet heads towards a favorable opposition in May 2016. Here's…

8 years ago

Spaceflight Will Give You The Body Of An Elderly Alcoholic Shut In

A recent study released by CU Anschutz indicates that prolonged time in space can cause liver damage, adding to overall…

8 years ago

Stunning Auroras From the Space Station in Ultra HD – Videos

Stunning high definition views of Earth’s auroras and dancing lights as seen from space like never before have just been…

8 years ago

How Do We Terraform Jupiter’s Moons?

Jupiter's four largest moons - the Galileans - have long been considered as possible sites for human habitation, and even…

8 years ago

Chinese Space Baby Research Lands In Mongolia

China claims success in an experiment designed to test mammalian reproductive cell development in low-gravity.

8 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes In Distant Galaxies Are Mysteriously Aligned

Recent findings from a team of researchers in South Africa have shown that supermassive black holes in distance are all…

8 years ago

What Is The Surface of Neptune Like?

As a gas giant, Neptune has no surface, in the traditional sense. But atop its cloud layers, some pretty amazing…

8 years ago

What’s Outside the Universe?

I’ve said in the past that the Universe isn’t expanding into anything. But what if we’re living in a vast…

8 years ago