
Stunning Conjunction of Mars and Beta Scorpii This Week

Sneaky Mars creeps up on bright Graffias in Scorpius for a very close conjunction Wednesday morning. Even better, the star…

9 years ago

18 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole Rotates At 1/3 Speed Of Light

An international team of astronomers recently measured the rotation rate of one of the most massive black holes known ...…

9 years ago

Kuiper Belt Objects Point The Way To Planet 9

A new study from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory has indicated that the extreme eccentricity of distant KBOs could point…

9 years ago

The Early Universe Was All About Galactic Hook Ups

According to new research by an international team of scientists, early galaxies were characterized by mergers (aka. "hookups")

9 years ago

Standing in the Shadow: Amazing Images of Today’s Total Solar Eclipse

Reader images for today's amazing total solar eclipse from across the Pacific: the only total solar eclipse in 2016, and…

9 years ago

China Plans Space Telescope That Will Dock With Their Space Station

China's planned space telescope will dock with its space station for repairs and servicing.

9 years ago

How Do We Terraform Venus?

Given its similarities to Earth, there are many who believe we should terraform Venus, making it live up to its…

9 years ago

Chasing the Shadow: Our Guide to the March 9th Total Solar Eclipse

Our complete guide to the only total solar eclipse for 2016. With maps, webcasts, predictions and more.

9 years ago

Messier 6 – The Butterfly Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! We continue our tribute to our dear friend, Tammy Plotner, by looking at Messier 6,…

9 years ago

Russian Crowdfunded Satellite May Soon Become Brightest “Star” in the Sky

A group of Russian engineering students hope to use crowdfunding to build and launch what may be the brightest satellite…

9 years ago