
Peculiar ‘Cauliflower Rocks’ May Hold Clues To Ancient Mars Life

An Arizona State University research team hypothesizes that strange "cauliflower-shaped" rocks discovered by the Spirit Rover in 2008 may have…

9 years ago

NASA Says “No Chance” Small Asteroid Will Hit Earth On March 5th

On March 5th, asteroid 2013 TX68 could be making a close flyby Earth. But NASA's asteroid watchers insist there's no…

9 years ago

What Are The Constellations?

Humans have been looking up at the stars and finding patterns for millennia. Today, there are 88 recognized constellations, each…

9 years ago

The Highest-Resolution Image Ever Seen in Astronomy

This image of a jet of material streaming out of a black hole 900 million light years from Earth, required…

9 years ago

A Challenge in Visual Athletics: Hunting the Gegenschein

Hunting the elusive counter glow known as the gegenschein takes sharp eyes, dark skies, persistence and patience. This weekend provides…

9 years ago

Massive Ariane 5 To Launch Giant NextGen Telescope In Dynamic Deployment To L2

The Ariane 5 rocket will carry the James Webb Space Telescope into orbit and send it on its way to…

9 years ago

Messier 1 (M1) – The Crab Nebula

The Crab Nebula, or Messier 1 (M1) is a supernova remnant left over when a massive star detonated in 1054…

9 years ago

Guide to the Constellations and Messier Objects by Tammy Plotner

We've decided to republish Tammy Plotner's Guide to the Messier Objects and Constellations, starting today with M1 - the Crab…

9 years ago

The Orbit of the Planets. How Long Is A Year On The Other Planets?

Here on Earth, a year lasts roughly 365.2 days. But on the other planets in our Solar System, things get…

9 years ago

Our Place in the Universe: The Most Detailed Map Yet

A new video shows us in striking detail where we live in the Universe.

9 years ago