
Who was Albert Einstein?

At the end of the millennium, Physics World magazine conducted a poll where they asked 100 of the world's leading…

9 years ago

Sweet Sights for November Nights

Clear night ahead? Let's see what's up. We'll start close to home with the Moon, zoom out to lonely Fomalhaut 25 light…

9 years ago

Spectacular Breakup of WT1190F Seen by Airborne Astronomers

Clouds hampered observations from the ground in Sri Lanka during the re-entry of WT1190F overnight, but a team of astronomers captured…

9 years ago

Asteroid? Rocket Stage? Whatever it is, WT1190F Plunges to Earth Tonight

No one's 100% certain what WT1190F is — asteroid or rocket stage — but we are certain it will light…

9 years ago

Who was Gerard Kuiper?

In the outer reaches of the Solar System, beyond the orbit of Neptune, lies a region permeated by celestial objects…

9 years ago

MESSENGER Spies a Meteor Shower… on Mercury

Leonid meteor storms. Taurid meteor swarms. Earth is no stranger to meteor showers, that’s for sure. Now, it turns out…

9 years ago

Who Was Sir Isaac Newton?

The 17th century was an auspicious time for the sciences, with groundbreaking discoveries being made in astronomy, physics, mechanics, optics,…

9 years ago

From a Roar to a Purr: Prospects for the 2015 November Leonid Meteors

A November rain hails from the Sickle of the Lion. Hot on the heels of the October Orionids and the…

9 years ago

Radio waves absent from the reputed megastructure-encompassed Kepler star?

Astronomers at the SETI institute (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) have reported their findings after monitoring the reputed megastructure-encompassed star KIC 8462852.  No…

9 years ago

Who Was Galileo Galilei?

When it comes to scientists who revolutionized the way we think of the universe, few names stand out like Galileo…

9 years ago