
Shape-shifting neutrinos earn physicists the 2015 Nobel

What do Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Paul Dirac, and Marie Curie have in common? They each won the Nobel prize in…

9 years ago

Hubble Sees Changes in Jupiter’s Red Spot, a Weird Wisp and Rare Waves

Jupiter global map created from still images from the Hubble Space Telescope It's been widely reported,  including at Universe Today, that…

9 years ago

The Next Generation of Exploration: The NEOCam Mission

In February of 2014, NASA put out the call for submissions for the thirteenth mission of their Discovery Program. In…

9 years ago

A Mission to a Metal World: The Psyche Mission

In their drive to set exploration goals for the future, NASA's Discovery Program put out the call for proposals for…

9 years ago

The Next Generation of Exploration: Back to Venus with VERITAS

In February of 2014, NASA's Discovery Program asked for proposals for the their 13th mission. Last week, five semifinalist were…

9 years ago

Guide to October’s Conjunction Mania, See Venus in Daylight

Tomorrow morning might be a good time to call for extra celestial traffic control. A slip of a crescent Moon will join…

9 years ago

Comet US10 Catalina: Our Guide to Act II

Itching for some cometary action? After a fine winter’s performance from Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy, 2015 has seen a dearth…

9 years ago

More livable than Earth? New index sizes up the habitability of alien exoplanets

Researchers at the University of Washington's Virtual Planetary Laboratory have devised a new habitability index for judging how suitable alien planets…

9 years ago

The Next Generation of Exploration: The DAVINCI Spacecraft

It's no secret that there has been a resurgence in interest in space exploration in recent years. Much of the…

9 years ago

Why Was September’s Lunar Eclipse So Dark?

First off, a huge thank you to everyone who made and sent their Danjon scale estimate of the totally-eclipsed Moon's brightness to…

9 years ago