
Amateur Astronomer Chases Down Barnard’s Star – You Can Too!

Tucked away in northern Ophiuchus and well-placed for observing from spring through fall is one of the most remarkable objects in the sky…

9 years ago

Adventures With Starblinker

Observational astronomy is a study in patience. Since the introduction of the telescope over four centuries ago, steely-eyed observers have…

9 years ago

10 Years of Haumea

Remember the neat tidy solar system of the 20th century? As a child of the 1970s, we remember orderly planets,…

9 years ago

A Minor Lunar Standstill for 2015

Think you know the Moon? Whether you love our natural neighbor in space for the lunar and solar eclipses it…

9 years ago

How Many Moons Does Jupiter Have?

Jupiter was appropriately named by the Romans, who chose to name it after the king of the gods. In addition…

9 years ago

What Are Asteroids Made Of?

What are asteroids made of? Asteroids are made mostly of rock -- with some composed of clay and silicate --…

9 years ago

The Moons of Saturn

With 150 moons and moonlets in total, 53 of which have been officially named, Saturn has the second-most moons of…

9 years ago

SOHO Nears 3,000 Comet Discoveries

It’s a discovery that could come any day now. The Solar Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft known as SOHO is set to…

9 years ago

Start Your Day with a Full House – Three Planets and a Pair of Crescents

The dawn sky's where it's happening. With Saturn swiftly sinking westward at dusk, bright planets have become scarce in the…

9 years ago

Kicking Off Eclipse Season: Our Guide to the September 13th Partial Solar Eclipse

Eclipse season 2 of 2 for 2015 is nigh this weekend, book-ended by a partial solar eclipse on September 13th,…

9 years ago