
New Horizons Phones Home, Flyby a Success

Watch Pluto grow in this series of photos taken during New Horizons' approach Whew! We're out of the woods. On schedule…

9 years ago

Charon: Pluto’s Largest Moon

Charon is the largest moon of the dwarf planet Pluto. In fact, it's so large the two objects act like…

9 years ago

Naming Pluto: Christening Features on Brave New Worlds

‘Here be Dragons…’ read the inscriptions of old maps used by early seafaring explorers. Such maps were crude, and often…

9 years ago

Pluto’s Time to Shine Just Hours Away – A Guide and Timetable

Countdown to discovery! Not since Voyager 2's flyby of Neptune in 1989 have we flung a probe into the frozen…

9 years ago

Is There Life on Pluto?

First discovered in 1930, Pluto was considered to be the ninth planet in our Solar System for many decades. And…

9 years ago

Last, Best Look at Pluto’s Far Side and Four Perplexing Spots: 2 Days Out from Flyby

New Horizons' last look at Pluto's Charon-facing hemisphere reveals the highest resolution view of four intriguing darks spots for decades…

9 years ago

What is the Haleakala Volcano?

Hawaii is famous for its lovely mountains, tropical climate, and majestic oceanfront vistas. Another thing it is famous for is…

9 years ago

Scientists Captivated By Pluto’s Emerging Geological Wonders

Bit by the Pluto bug? Day by day, new images appear showing an ever clearer view of a world we inexplicably love. Call…

9 years ago

What is the Pacific “Ring of Fire”?

What if someone were to tell you that there's a region in the world where roughly 90% of the world's…

9 years ago

Once Around The Sun With Jupiter

For Jupiterians (Jovians?) a trip around the Sun takes 12 Earth years. If you were born today on the planet…

9 years ago