
Once Around The Sun With Jupiter

For Jupiterians (Jovians?) a trip around the Sun takes 12 Earth years. If you were born today on the planet…

9 years ago

Is Kapteyn B Not to Be?

Are the ancient planets discovered around Kapteyn’s Star for real? As the saying goes, all that glitters isn’t gold, and…

9 years ago

Catching Earth at Aphelion

Do you feel a little… distant today? The day after the 4th of July weekend brings with it the promise…

9 years ago

Newest Planet: Is it Pluto, Eris or Extrasolar?

With astronomers discovering new planets and other celestial objects all the time, you may be wondering what the newest planet…

9 years ago

What is the Roden Crater?

Imagine a volcano powerful enough to leave a massive crater in the Earth that could be seen from space. Now…

9 years ago

NASA Loses Contact with New Horizons; Probe Now in Safe Mode

For a nail-biting hour and 20 minutes, NASA lost contact yesterday afternoon July 4 with the New Horizons spacecraft just…

9 years ago

Who Was Nicolaus Copernicus?

Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus revolutionized astronomy by proposing that the Earth and other planets revolved around the Sun

9 years ago

Red-faced Pluto Full of Surprises

Hey, Mars, you've got company. Looks like there's a second "red planet" in the Solar System — Pluto. Color images…

9 years ago

River of Fire Smoke Darkens Sun and Moon

My eyes are burning. The morning Sun, already 40° high, glares a lemony-orange. It's meteorologically clear, but the sky looks…

9 years ago

Uranus’ Moon Titania

Thanks to the Voyager missions, which passed through the outer Solar system in the late 1970s and early 1980s, scientists…

9 years ago