
Philae Wakes Up, Makes Contact!

Fantastic news! Philae's alive and kicking. The lander "spoke" with its team on ground via Rosetta for 85 seconds — its first…

9 years ago

Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin – The Second Man on the Moon

Astronaut, engineer, author, and actor, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin is what you might call a living legend. As the Lunar Module…

9 years ago

Have We Found Rosetta’s Lost Philae Lander?

It's only a bright dot in a landscape of crenulated rocks, but the Rosetta team thinks it might be Philae, the…

9 years ago

UK Amateur Recreates the Great Red Spot’s Glory Days

Maybe it's too soon for a pity party, but the profound changes in the size and prominence of Jupiter's Great…

9 years ago

What is Halley’s Comet? Halley’s Comet, also known as 1P/Halley, is the most well known comet in the Solar System. As a periodic…

9 years ago

What are the Galilean Moons?

It's no accident that Jupiter shares its name with the king of the gods. In addition to being the largest…

9 years ago

What are the Different Types of Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is becoming an increasingly important issue in today’s world. In addition to the rising cost of fossil fuels…

9 years ago

Ceres Bright Spots Keep Their Secret Even From 2,700 miles Up

Don't get me wrong. I love this new photo. Dawn snapped it from its second mapping orbit from 2,700 miles up…

9 years ago

Mathematics: The Beautiful Language of the Universe

Let us discuss the very nature of the cosmos. What you may find in this discussion is not what you…

9 years ago

Leonard Nimoy’s Legacy Lives On in the Asteroid Belt

"Fascinating, Captain." If he were alive today, Leonard Nimoy, who played the half Vulcan-half human Mr. Spock in the Star Trek…

9 years ago