
Hunting LightSail in Orbit

The hunt is on in the satellite tracking community, as the U.S. Air Force’s super-secret X-37B space plane rocketed into…

9 years ago

What Makes Mars Sunsets Different from Earth’s?

Even robots can't tear their eyes from a beautiful sunset. NASA's Mars Curiosity rover pointed its high resolution mast camera…

9 years ago

Andromeda and Milky Way Might Collide Sooner Than We Think

The merger of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy won't happen for another 4 billion years, but the recent discovery of…

9 years ago

Does the Red Planet Have Green Auroras?

Martian auroras will never best the visual splendor of those we see on Earth, but have no doubt. The Red…

9 years ago

Review: Annals of the Deep Sky by Jeff Kanipe & Dennis Webb

Any lover of the night sky knows the value of a good star atlas and an astronomical handbook to guide…

9 years ago

A Guide to Saturn Through Opposition 2015

The month of May generally means the end of star party season here in Florida, as schools let out in…

9 years ago

Ceres’ White Spots Multiply in Latest Dawn Photos

We don't know exactly what those mysterious white spots on Ceres are yet, but we're getting closer to an explanation.…

9 years ago

More Evidence that the Milky Way has Four Spiral Arms

Astronomers have been arguing over just how many spiral arms our Galaxy exhibits. Is the Milky Way a four or two-armed…

9 years ago

Tales (Tails?) of Two Comets: Prospects for Q1 PanSTARRS & G2 MASTER

Did you catch the performance of Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy earlier this year? Every year provides a few sure bets…

9 years ago

NASAs Ten-Engine Electric Plane

NASA has been grabbing headlines recently with their potentially game-changing emDrive propulsion system. The emDrive has generated a lot of…

9 years ago