
Mercury MESSENGER Mission Concludes with a Smashing Finale!

The planet Mercury has a brand new 52-foot-wide crater. At 3:26 p.m.  EDT this afternoon, NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft bit the Mercurial dust,…

9 years ago

Crossing Quarters: Would the Real Astronomical Midway Point Please Stand Up?

Happy May Day Eve! Maybe May 1st is a major holiday in your world scheme, or perhaps you see it…

9 years ago

New Horizons, Approaching Pluto, Detects Signs of Polar Caps

The latest set of images from the long range imager, LORRI, on New Horizons now reveals surface features. At a…

9 years ago

The 2015 Lyrid Meteors Peak Tomorrow Night!

April showers bring May flowers, and this month also brings a shower of the celestial variety, as the Lyrid meteors…

9 years ago

Close Encounter of the Asteroid Kind – 2015 HD1 Skims By Earth Tonight

If you wake up in the middle of the night with weird dreams about flying asteroids, I wouldn't be surprised. Around 3 a.m.…

9 years ago

100,000 Galaxies, and No Obvious Signs of Life

Beam us up, Scotty. There's no signs of intelligent life out there. At least, no obvious signs, according to a…

9 years ago

Lunar ‘Fountain of Youth’ Challenge / Mercury Returns with Gusto

16th century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León looked and looked but never did find the Fountain of Youth, a…

9 years ago

Dawn Rises Over Ceres North Pole

Brand new images taken on April 10 by NASA's Dawn probe show the dwarf planet from high above its north…

9 years ago

Stars: A Day in the Life

There is something about them that intrigues us all. These massive spheres of gas burning intensely from the energy of…

9 years ago

Help Researchers Track Comet 67/P Through Perihelion

Calling all light-bucket scope owners: the folks at the European Space Agency want to enlist you in the quest to…

9 years ago