
The Number of Asteroids We Could Visit and Explore Has Just Doubled

There’s a famous line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet that says “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are…

10 years ago

What Are The Most Famous Stars?

While there are untold billions of celestial objects visible in the nighttime sky, some of them are better known than…

10 years ago

‘Lopsided’ Supernova Could Be Responsible for Rogue Hypervelocity Stars

Hypervelocity stars have been observed traversing the Galaxy at extreme velocities (700 km/s), but the mechanisms that give rise to such phenomena…

10 years ago

Why Does The Milky Way Rotate?

We live in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way. It's called a barred spiral galaxy, which means that…

10 years ago

Two Stars On A Death Spiral Set To Detonate As A Supernova

Two white dwarfs circle around one other, locked in a fatal tango. With an intimate orbit and a hefty combined mass, the pair is ultimately…

10 years ago

Don’t Look At Black Holes Too Closely, They Might Disappear

We've come a long way in 13.8 billion years; but despite our impressively extensive understanding of the Universe, there are still…

10 years ago

How Do We Study The Sun?

A quick think about optical astronomy would have you imagine that most of it takes place at night. Isn't that…

10 years ago

You’ve Never Seen the Phases of the Moon from This Perspective: The Far Side

Sometimes, it seems to be a cosmic misfortune that we only get to view the universe from a singular vantage…

10 years ago

An Even Closer View of Ceres Shows Multiple White Spots Now

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet snapshot of the mysterious dwarf planet world Ceres. These latest images,…

10 years ago

What Is A Wolf-Rayet Star?

Wolf-Rayet stars represent a final burst of activity before a huge star begins to die. These stars, which are at…

10 years ago