
Rosetta to Snuggle Up to Comet 67P for Closest Encounter Yet

Who doesn't like to snuggle up with their Valentine on Valentine's Day? Rosetta will practically whisper sweet nothings into 67P's…

10 years ago

Which Planets Have Rings?

Planetary rings are an interesting phenomena. The mere mention of these two words tends to conjure up images of Saturn,…

10 years ago

By Jove: Jupiter Reaches Opposition on February 6th

Did you see the brilliant Full Snow Moon rising last night? Then you might’ve also noticed a bright nearby ‘star’.…

10 years ago

What Is The World’s Widest River?

The Amazon River is a heck of a big tributary. Besides being one of the LONGEST rivers in the world,…

10 years ago

Jupiter and the Full Snow Moon Come Together In a Beautiful Conjunction Tonight

The Full Moon celebrates Jupiter's coming opposition by accompanying the bright planet in a beautiful conjunction tonight. Even last night Jupiter and…

10 years ago

What Was The Impact That Killed The Dinosaurs?

What suddenly made the dinosaurs disappear 65 million or 66 million years ago? Whatever it was, all indications show that…

10 years ago

How We’ve ‘Morphed’ From “Starry Night” to Planck’s View of the BICEP2 Field

From the vantage point of a window in an insane asylum, Vincent van Gogh painted one of the most noted…

10 years ago

Asteroids: 10 Interesting Facts About These Space Rocks

At first glance, looking at a bunch of space rocks doesn't sound that exciting. Like, aren't they just a bunch…

10 years ago

It Turns Out Primordial Gravitational Waves Weren’t Found

Last March, international researchers from the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (BICEP2) telescope at the South Pole claimed that…

10 years ago

Awesome New Radar Images of Asteroid 2004 BL86

New video of 2004 BL86 and its moon Newly processed images of asteroid 2004 BL86 made during its brush with Earth Monday…

10 years ago