
Work Those Quads: Our Guide to the 2015 Quadrantid Meteors

Quick… what’s the only major meteor shower named after a defunct constellation?  If you said the January Quadrantids, you’d be…

10 years ago

2015: NASA’s Year of the Dwarf Planet

Together, the space probes Dawn and New Horizons have been in flight for a collective 17 years. One remained close…

10 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 362: Modern Women: Carolyn Porco

It hard to think of a more influential modern planetary scientist than Carolyn Porco, the leader of the imaging team…

10 years ago

Put Yourself in the Way of Beauty

Oh my, oh my. Rolando Ligustri captured this scene last night as Comet Q2 Lovejoy swished past the globular cluster…

10 years ago

Marvelous Moondance: Jupiter Satellites Caught Eclipsing And Transiting

On Christmas Eve, as millions upon millions of people focused on wrapping gifts and getting ready for the holidays, an…

10 years ago

Space-y Charity: Some Ideas To Respond To Astronaut Hadfield’s Challenge

While the world was enchanted with Chris Hadfield's social media posts last year, a new video has the retired astronaut…

10 years ago

Comet Q2 Lovejoy Loses Tail, Grows Another, Loses That One Too!

Maybe you've seen Comet Q2 Lovejoy. It's a big fuzzy ball in binoculars low in the southern sky in the…

10 years ago

Solved: The Mystery of Earth’s Theta Aurora

The mystery of the northern lights – aurora - spans time beyond history and to cultures of both the southern…

10 years ago

The Top 101 Astronomical Events to Watch for in 2015

Phew! It’s here. Now in its seventh year of compilation and the second year running on Universe Today, we’re proud…

10 years ago