
Comet Siding Spring: Close Call for Mars, Wake Up Call for Earth?

It was 20 years ago this past July when images of Jupiter being pummeled by a comet caught the world's…

10 years ago

REAL Images of Eclipses Seen From Space

That 'amazing astro-shot that isn’t' is making the rounds of 'ye ole web again. You know the one. “See an…

10 years ago

How to Turn Your Phone Into A Cosmic Ray Detector

Quick, do you have an Android phone in your pocket? A few small changes and you could help physicists probe…

10 years ago

Memory Problems Plague Martian Rover Opportunity As It Prepares To Watch A Comet Pass By

NASA's Opportunity rover is still experiencing frequent memory resets as it roams the Martian terrain near Endeavour Crater, even though…

10 years ago

Foom! ‘Superflares’ Erupt From Tiny Red Dwarf Star, Surprising Scientists

Don't get too close to this little star! In April, a red dwarf star sent out a series of explosions…

10 years ago

Rosetta’s Comet in Thrilling 3-D

She's gonna blow! Rosetta's navigation camera recently grabbed our best view yet of the geyser-like jets spraying from the nucleus of Comet…

10 years ago

Our Complete Guide to the October 8th “Hunter’s Moon” Total Lunar Eclipse

October 2014 means eclipse season 2 of 2 for the year is upon us. Don’t fear the ‘Blood Moon’ that’s…

10 years ago

Making the Case for a Mission to the Martian Moon Phobos

Ask any space enthusiast, and almost anyone will say humankind’s ultimate destination is Mars. But NASA is currently gearing up…

10 years ago

Behold: 100 Planetary Nebulas

If you like planetary nebulas, you're in luck. Multimedia artist Judy Schmidt has put together an amazing collection of 100…

10 years ago

PanSTARRS K1, the Comet that Keeps Going and Going and Going

Thank you K1 PanSTARRS for hanging in there!  Some comets crumble and fade away. Others linger a few months and move…

10 years ago