
Wow! Water Ice Clouds Suspected In Brown Dwarf Beyond The Solar System

What are planetary atmospheres made of? Figuring out the answer to that question is a big step on the road…

10 years ago

Lunar Love: Stunning Shots Abound In Phases Around The SuperMoon

While the SuperMoon of earlier this week got a lot of attention -- and rightly so, given the Moon was…

10 years ago

Clear Skies Tonight? Go Out and See the Aurora

Talk of aurora is in the air.  Our earlier story today by Elizabeth Howell alerted you to the possibility of…

10 years ago

A Lurking Companion Star Explains Enigmatic Supernova

Massive stars end their lives dramatically. Once the nuclear fuel deep within their cores is spent, there's no longer any…

10 years ago

Elemental Mystery: Lithium Is Also Rare Outside Of The Milky Way

This new picture of M54 -- a part of a satellite galaxy to the Milky Way called the Sagittarius Dwarf…

10 years ago

Bumper Car Moonlets Crash and Crumble in Saturn’s F Ring

Nothing stands still. Everything evolves. So why shouldn't Saturn's kookie, clumpy F ring put on a new face from time…

10 years ago

Tales (Tails?) Of Three Comets

As the Chinese proverb says, “May you live in interesting times,” and while the promise of Comet ISON dazzling observers…

10 years ago

How Dark Matter Could Reduce The Fleet Of Galaxies Following The Milky Way

Funny how small particle interactions can have such a big effect on the neighbors of the Milky Way. For a…

10 years ago

Gliese 15Ab: The Closest Known Super-Earth?

Our solar neighborhood is rich with planetary systems. Within 20 light-years we’ve detected sizzling gas giants and rocky planets orbiting…

10 years ago

The Nicaragua Crater: The Result of a Meteorite Impact or Not?

By now, you’ve seen the pictures. As astronomers tracked the close pass of Near Earth Asteroid 2014 RC this weekend,…

10 years ago