
Get Set For Super (Duper?) Moon 2 of 3 For 2014

You could be forgiven for thinking this summer that the “supermoon” is now a monthly occurrence. But this coming weekend’s…

10 years ago

Getting to Know Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

We're finally getting to know the icy nucleus behind comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. For all the wonder that comets evoke, we on…

10 years ago

Rosetta Closing in on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko after Decade Long Chase

ESA’s Rosetta Spacecraft nears final approach to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in late July 2014. This collage of imagery from Rosetta combines…

10 years ago

Companion Planet Could Keep Alien Earths Warm In Old Age: Study

People are generally social creatures, and in the case of planets that generally is the case as well. Many of…

10 years ago

Hubble Spots Farthest Lensing Galaxy Yet

Sometimes there’s a chance alignment — faraway in the universe, where objects are separated by unimaginable distances measured in billions of…

10 years ago

Surprise! Classical Novae Produce Gamma Rays

In a classical nova, a white dwarf siphons material off a companion star, building up a layer on its surface…

10 years ago

Numerous Jets Spied with New Sky Survey

Jets — narrow beams of matter spat out at a high speed — typically accompany the most enigmatic astronomical objects.…

10 years ago

Stargazing Timelapse Plus Apollo 14 Launch Soundtrack Is Pure Magic

It feels like a real stargazing session watching this video. You head out at dusk, waiting for the first few…

10 years ago

Early Tidal and Rotational Forces Helped Shape Moon

The shape of the moon deviates from a simple sphere in a way that scientists have struggled to explain. But…

10 years ago

Mysterious Molecules in Space Named?

It’s a well-kept secret that the vacuum of space is not — technically speaking — a vacuum. Strong winds generated…

10 years ago