
ALMA Observes Binary Star System with Wacky Disks

When it comes to exoplanets, we’ve discovered an array of extremes — alien worlds that seem more like science fiction…

10 years ago

GAIA is “Go” for Science After a few Minor Hiccups

In astronomy we throw around the term "light-year" seemingly as fast as light itself travels. And yet actually measuring this…

10 years ago

Astrophoto Heaven: Video Time-Lapse Shows Spectacular Sky Above Desert National Park

Channelling all U2 fans: this stunning timelapse above Joshua Tree National Park is a walking tourism brochure for astrophotographers. The…

10 years ago

X-ray Glow: Evidence of a Local Hot Bubble Carved by a Supernova

I spent this past weekend backpacking in Rocky Mountain National Park, where although the snow-swept peaks and the dangerously close…

10 years ago

Observing Alert – Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week

With the southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaking tomorrow morning, the summer meteor-watching season officially begins. While not a rich shower from…

10 years ago

The Little Rover that Could: Opportunity Reaches Odometer Milestone

NASA’s Opportunity mars rover now holds the off-Earth roving distance record after accruing 25 miles of driving. Given that the…

10 years ago

When Good Meteor Showers Go Bad: Prospects for the 2014 Perseids

It’s that time of year again, when the most famous of all meteor showers puts on its best display. Why…

10 years ago

Annual Atlanta Star Party Coming Soon!

If you happen to be attending DragonCon or just live near Atlanta, come and listen to some fantastic speakers and…

10 years ago

Carnival Of Space #364

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Joe Latrell at his Photos To Space blog. Click here to read Carnival…

10 years ago

How Do Gravitational Slingshots Work?

Have you ever heard that spacecraft can speed themselves up by performing gravitational slingshot maneuvers? What's involved to get yourself…

10 years ago