
‘Lopsided’ Ghostly Galactic Halo Has Some Starry Surprises

Centaurus A -- that popular target for astrophotographers in the southern hemisphere -- has a much wider halo than expected,…

10 years ago

Threatened Spitzer Telescope Gets NASA Nod For Extension, Subject To Congress Funding

After NASA recommended in May that Spitzer space telescope officials send in a revised budget or face possible termination of…

10 years ago

Distant Stellar Atmospheres Shed Light on How Jupiter-like Planets Form

It’s likely that Jupiter-like planets’ origins root back to either the rapid collapse of a dense cloud or small rocky…

10 years ago

Observing Challenge: 6 White Dwarf Stars to See in Your Backyard Telescope

Looking for something off beat to observe? Some examples of curious astronomical objects lie within the reach of the dedicated…

10 years ago

Rosetta Zooms Toward an Extraordinary Comet

I thought the photos earlier this week were amazing.  This little movie, made of 36 'smoothed' or interpolated images of…

10 years ago

Into The Black? Maybe Radio Bursts Are From Outside The Galaxy After All, Study Says

Where are these radio bursts coming from? Astronomers have heard these signals from the sky several times, but always with…

10 years ago

Comet Jacques Is Back! Joins Venus and Mercury at Dawn

Comet C/2014 E2 Jacques has returned! Before it disappeared in the solar glow this spring, the comet reached magnitude +6, the naked…

10 years ago

New VLT Observations Clear Up Dusty Mystery

The Universe is overflowing with cosmic dust. Planets form in swirling clouds of dust around a young star; Dust lanes…

10 years ago

Found! Seven Dwarfs Surround The ‘Pinwheel Galaxy’ Field Of View

Using a unique type of telescope that includes long-range lenses, astronomers at Yale University have found seven dwarf galaxies surrounding…

10 years ago