
“With a Little Help From Their Friends,” Magnetars Form in Binary Systems, New Study Suggests

Astronomy is a discipline of extremes. We’re constantly searching for the most powerful, the most explosive, and the most energetic…

10 years ago

New Supernova Likely Arose From Massive Wolf-Rayet Star

They've been identified as possible causes for supernovae for a while, but until now, there was a lack of evidence linking…

10 years ago

Potential Weekend Meteor Shower Will Pelt the Moon Too!

If the hoped-for meteor blast materializes this Friday night / Saturday morning (May 23-24) Earth won't be the only world getting…

10 years ago

Physicists Pave the Way to Turn Light into Matter

E = mc². It’s one of the most basic and fundamental equations throughout astrophysics. But it does more than suggest…

10 years ago

Dramatic Starscape Helps Astronomers Learn About Our Own Galaxy

Such stars, much science! Shining in front of darker dust, this star cluster (NGC 3590) is about 7,500 light-years from…

10 years ago

Going Low for Omega Centauri: How to Spot a Southern Hemisphere Jewel from Mid-Northern Latitudes

47 Tucanae... the Coal Sack… Magellanic Clouds large and small… sure, it can be argued that the southern hemisphere sky…

10 years ago

How to See 209P/LINEAR, the Comet Brewing Up Saturday’s Surprise Meteor Shower

As we anxiously await the arrival of a potentially rich new meteor shower this weekend, its parent comet, 209P/LINEAR, draws…

10 years ago

Did That Star Eat A Planet? Rocky Elements Could Tell The Tale

It's amazing what astronomers can figure out from afar, and this now might include whether a star ate a few…

10 years ago

Updated! Zoomable Poster Now Shows Off 54 Years Of Space Exploration

We humans are busy creatures when it comes to exploring the solar system. This new graphic (which updates one from…

10 years ago

Can You Say Camelopardalids? Observing, Weather Prospects and More for the May 24th Meteor Shower

It could be the best of meteor showers, or it could be the… Well, we’ll delve into the alternatives here…

10 years ago