
Ready, Set, Messier Marathon: A 2014 Guide

Have YOU seen all 110? The passage of the northward equinox last week on March 20th means one thing in the…

11 years ago

Sirius, UFO trickster extraordinaire

Scintillating Sirius is sometimes mistaken for a UFO I've never seen a UFO that stayed a UFO. I remember certain…

11 years ago

Bill Nye on Taking Astronomy with Carl Sagan

"This is how we know nature. It is the best idea humans have ever come up with." – Bill Nye,…

11 years ago

360 Degrees of Milky Way at Your Fingertips

Touring the Milky Way's a blast with this brand new 360-degree interactive panorama. More than 2 million infrared photos taken…

11 years ago

Happy Equinox! – A Perfect Time to See the Zodiacal Light

Welcome to the first day of spring! If you have a clear night between now and April 1, celebrate the…

11 years ago

Twin NASA Probes Find “Zebra Stripes” in Earth’s Radiation Belt

Earth's inner radiation belt displays a curiously zebra-esque striped pattern, according to the latest findings from NASA's twin Van Allen…

11 years ago

How Does Life Recover from Mass Extinctions?

Every few dozen million years there's a devastating event on Earth that kills nearly all the living creatures on our…

11 years ago

Clouds May Scotch Tomorrow’s Rare Erigone-Regulus Occultation

North America's brightest predicted asteroid occultation may be one-upped by a much bigger occultation - a solid blanket of clouds.…

11 years ago

Zoom to the Moon’s North Pole with this Incredible New Gigapixel Map

OMG - breathtaking! That was my reaction when I clicked on this incredible new interactive map of the moon's north…

11 years ago

First Microlensing Detection of a Planet Circling a Brown Dwarf Candidate

When astronomers detect new exoplanets they typically do so using one of two techniques. First, there's the famous transit technique,…

11 years ago