
Dusty Galaxies Shine Across The Universe In New Herschel Survey

While dust is easy to ignore in small quantities (says the writer looking at her desk), across vast reaches of…

11 years ago

Get Set For Comet K1 PanSTARRS: A Guide to its Spring Appearance

Get those binoculars ready: an icy interloper from the Oort cloud is about to grace the night sky. The comet…

11 years ago

Landmark Discovery: New Results Provide Direct Evidence for Cosmic Inflation

Astronomers have announced Nobel Prize-worthy evidence of primordial gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of spacetime — providing the first…

11 years ago

Till Hellas Freezes Over – See Frost and Clouds in Mars’ Largest Crater

Earth's changing weather always makes life interesting. Seeing weather on other planets through a telescope we sense a kinship between…

11 years ago

Hubble Captures Starbirth In A Monkey’s Head As Telescope Approaches 24 Years In Space

Billowing gas clouds and young stars feature in this February Hubble Space Telescope image, released as the telescope approaches its…

11 years ago

Rumors Flying Nearly as Fast as Their Subject: Have Gravitational Waves Been Detected?

Last week the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) stated rather nonchalantly that they will be hosting a press conference on…

11 years ago

New Comet Jacques May Pass 8.4 million miles from Venus this July

Congratulations to Cristovao Jacques and the SONEAR team!  On March 13 they snared C/2014 E2 (Jacques) in CCD images taken with a…

11 years ago

“Death Stars” Caught Blasting Proto-Planets

 It’s a tough old universe out there. A young star has lots to worry about, as massive stars just beginning…

11 years ago

How Giant Galaxies Bind The Milky Way’s Neighborhood With Gravity

Is it stretching it too far to think of a Lord of the Rings-esque "Entmoot" when reading the phrase "Council…

11 years ago

Physicists Reveal the Hidden Interiors of Gas Giants

In astronomy we love focusing on the bigger picture. We’re searching for exoplanets in the vast hope that we may…

11 years ago