
See Light Pollution in Action

Like anyone else who's ever looked up at the night sky in any but the smallest cities, I've seen light…

11 years ago

A Natural Planetary Defense Against Solar Storms

Planetary shields up: solar storms inbound… Researchers at NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have identified…

11 years ago

‘Space Racers’ TV Show Brings The Adorable (And The Science) To Preschoolers

Blastoff! A new space show aimed at preschoolers aims to showcase the joy of space, while making sure that the…

11 years ago

Supermassive Black Hole’s Dizzying Spin Is Half The Speed Of Light

The spin rate of the most distant supermassive black hole has been measured directly, and wow, is it fast. X-ray…

11 years ago

Daylight Saving Time: A Spring Forward or a Step Back?

 The time to change clocks is once again nigh. We’ll put our unabashed bias as a lover of the night…

11 years ago

SOFIA Snapshots: Jupiter And Starbirth Among Achievements For Observatory Facing Sidelines

Just weeks after becoming fully operational, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is facing storage in 2015. The airborne observatory…

11 years ago

Watch the Close Pass of NEO Asteroid 2014 DX110 Wednesday Night

BREAKING- No sooner than the cyber-ink was dry on this post than we got notice of another 10-metre NEO asteroid…

11 years ago

Jellyfish-Like Galaxy Appears To Be Shedding All Over Space

Is that a tractor beam trying to latch on to galaxy ESO 137-001? While the bold blue stripe in the…

11 years ago

Planets Plentiful Around Abundant Red Dwarf Stars, Study Says

Good news for planet-hunters: planets around red dwarf stars are more abundant than previously believed, according to new research. A…

11 years ago