
Nearby Stream of Stars Reveals Past Cosmic Collision

The tangled remains of vast cosmic collisions can be seen across the universe, such as the distant Whirlpool Galaxy’s past…

11 years ago

Spectacular Views of Venus and the “Decrescent” Moon Worldwide

Did you see it? Earlier this week, we wrote about the spectacular conjunction of the planet Venus and the waning…

11 years ago

Does Free Will Exist? Ancient Quasars May Hold the Clue.

Do you believe in free will? Are people able to decide their own destinies, whether it's on what continent they'll…

11 years ago

Yesterday’s Mammoth Solar Flare Is The Biggest Of 2014 So Far

She's a rainbow! You can see the first moments of a huge flare belching off the sun in the picture…

11 years ago

Watch the Moon Meet Venus in the Dawn this Wednesday

Are you ready for some lunar versus planetary occultation action? One of the best events for 2014 occurs early this Wednesday…

11 years ago

Comet ISON Hosted A Rare Kind Of Nitrogen, Hinting At Reservoirs In Young Solar System

Comet ISON -- that bright comet last year that broke up around Thanksgiving weekend -- included two forms of nitrogen…

11 years ago

We ‘Hype’ Alien World Findings Amid Little Data, Exoplanet Scientist Says

With exoplanet discoveries coming at us several times a month, finding these worlds is a hot field of research. Once…

11 years ago

Asteroid Swarm ‘Pounded’ Pulsar Star, Causing Changes Visible From Earth

When you throw a bunch of rock and debris at a rapidly spinning star, what happens? A new study suggests…

11 years ago

New Planet-Hunting Telescope To Join Search For Alien Earths In 2024

How could life arise in young solar systems? We're still not sure of the answer on Earth, even for something…

11 years ago

Dense Gas Clouds Blot The View Of Supermassive Black Holes

Gas around supermassive black holes tends to clump into immense clouds, periodically blocking the view of these huge X-ray sources…

11 years ago