
How Fast Do Black Holes Spin?

There is nothing in the Universe more awe inspiring or mysterious than a black hole. Because of their massive gravity…

11 years ago

What to Wear? The History and Future of Spacesuits

The issue of “what to wear?” takes on an extra dimension of life and death when it comes to space…

11 years ago

Teamwork! Two Telescopes Combine Forces To Spot Distant Galaxy Clusters

Doing something extraordinary often requires teamwork for humans, and the same can be said for telescopes. Witness the success of…

11 years ago

Space Station to Get a ‘Laser Cannon’

What’s a space station without a laser cannon? The International Space Station will be getting its very own laser at…

11 years ago

How Supernova 2014J Will Help Determine the Extragalactic Distance Scale and Impact Cosmology

In only three weeks since its discovery on January 21, 2014, much has been learned about the new supernova SN…

11 years ago

Carnival of Space #340

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by our pal Ray Sanders at his Dear Astronomer blog. Click here to…

11 years ago

How Massive Is A Neutrino? Cosmology Experiment Gives A Clue

There have been a lot of attempts over the years to figure out the mass of a neutrino (a type…

11 years ago

Enter the Red Planet: A Guide to the Upcoming Mars 2014 Opposition Season

Get those telescopes ready: the coming months offer Earthbound viewers some great views of the planet Mars. Mars reaches opposition…

11 years ago

50 Years After Taking Over Earth, The Beatles’ Space Invasion Is Well Underway

As the Beatles strummed the opening notes to "All My Loving" on the Ed Sullivan Show 50 years ago yesterday,…

11 years ago

Found! Distant Galaxy Spotted Just 650 Million Years After Big Bang

Peering deep into the universe with the Hubble Space Telescope, a team of researchers have found an extremely distant galaxy.…

11 years ago