
Lovejoy and X1 LINEAR: How to See Comets That Will Warm Up Your Mid-Winter Mornings

My hands are still cold from the experience, but there's no denying the pleasure I felt at seeing C/2013 R1…

11 years ago

Double Vision! These ‘Twin’ Quasars Are Actually The Same Thing

Optical illusions are awesome. In the center of this image are what appear to be two quasars (or galaxies with…

11 years ago

‘Cosmic Flashlight’ Makes Gas Glow Like A Fluorescent Light Bulb

Funny how a single quasar can illuminate -- literally and figuratively -- some of the mysteries of the universe. From…

11 years ago

After A Long Nap, NEOWISE Springs Into Action With Asteroid Discoveries

If anything, NASA's asteroid-hunting spacecraft seems to be refreshed after going into forced hibernation for 2.5 years. In the first…

11 years ago

Nearby Brown Dwarf Captured in a Direct Image

A recent find announced by astronomers may go a long ways towards understanding a crucial “missing link” between planets and…

11 years ago

Black Hole Steals Gas From Trillions Of Stars

Got gas?  The black hole in galaxy cluster RX J1532.9+3021 is keeping it all for itself and stopping trillions of stars…

11 years ago

Watch: An Amazing, Mesmerizing Full Rotation of Jupiter

Jupiter is a happening place in the solar system. While bashful Mars only puts on a good show once every…

11 years ago

Bright New Supernova Blows Up in Nearby M82, the Cigar Galaxy

Wow! Now here's a supernova bright enough for even small telescope observers to see. And it's in a bright galaxy…

11 years ago

An Incredible Time-lapse of Venus Passing Through Inferior Conjunction

Some of the most amazing celestial sights are hidden from our view in the daytime sky. Or are they? We…

11 years ago

Milky Way Shakes, Rattles and Rolls…

For decades astronomers have puzzled over the many details concerning the formation of the Milky Way Galaxy. Now a group…

11 years ago