
See the Smallest Full Moon of 2014: It’s the “Return of the Mini-Moon”

 Last month, (and last year) we wrote about the visually smallest Full Moon of 2013. Now, in a followup  act, our…

11 years ago

LEDs: Light Pollution Solution or Night Sky Nemesis?

You may have noticed a change underway in your city lighting. High pressure sodium lights, with their familiar orange glow,…

11 years ago

One Percent Measure of the Universe

When it comes to accuracy, everyone strives for a hundred percent, but measuring cosmic distances leaves a bit more to…

11 years ago

New Findings from NuSTAR: A New X-Ray View of the “Hand of God” and More

One star player in this week’s findings out of the 223rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society has been the…

11 years ago

Selling Rocks from Outer Space: an Interview with ‘Meteorite Man’ Geoff Notkin

What's the oldest thing you've ever held in your hand? A piece of petrified wood? A fossilized trilobite? A chunk…

11 years ago

Millisecond Pulsar Discovered In Rare Triple Star System

If you’re looking for something truly unique, then check out the cosmic menage aux trois ferreted out by a team…

11 years ago

Chandra’s Verdict on the Demise of a Star: “Death by Black Hole”

This week, astronomers announced the detection of a rare event, a star being torn to shreds by a massive black…

11 years ago

Dark Sky Regulations Bring Zodiacal Light to Rhode Island Observatory

The result of sunlight reflected off fine particles of dust aligned along the plane of the Solar System, zodiacal light…

11 years ago

Gravitational Lens Seen for the First Time in Gamma Rays

An exciting new discovery was unveiled early this week at the 223rd  meeting of the American Astronomical Society being held…

11 years ago

Kepler Finds an Earth-Sized “Gas Giant”

Gas planets aren't always bloated, monstrous worlds the size of Jupiter or Saturn (or larger) they can also apparently be…

11 years ago